Thursday, 23 May 2013

Catholic Woman's Blog

I will be writing as a 24 year old catholic woman posting on her daily blog about how she has fallen with a Hindu man.

Hi everyone, I hope you’ve had a good day so far.

So around about this time I’d usually be posting about my day, or the latest book I've read, or my opinion on the latest Sherlock episode, but, well, today I’d like to tell you about a problem that I'm facing.  I know what you’re probably thinking. “Do I really need to hear about your problems? I have enough of my own”, or something similar, right?  Well, to be honest, I would usually agree with you, but I feel like this topic is really important, and should be discussed.

I’ll start of by telling you some background information. I belong to a good Christian family, who, as you can maybe guess, are very strict. They’re always telling me to do this, or to not do that, and sometimes it can be very hard to please them. Don’t get me wrong, they love me very much and they know best, and I know everything they do is to help and protect me. Well, almost everything.

The general rule in my family is ‘your parents say it, you believe it’, and generally, I follow this rule. But there is something, which leads me onto telling you about my problem, that I just can’t follow. The one definite thing that my parents want of me is to marry a committed Catholic man. I love to make them happy, and make them proud of me, but, it seems I have fallen in love with a Hindu man named Ravi. Ravi is great, he is honest and kind, and he would never do anything to upset me. He is as good as any Catholic man, and he has even proposed to me. But again, as you can probably guess is the problem, he is Hindu. I don’t know what to do to. So many people have been in this situation before, and I know the best thing for me to do would be to tell my parents, but I know that they wouldn't understand. I don’t want to disappoint my parents, and I know that I would shame them if I told them, and I know at some point I will have to choose.
It could be worse I guess. I could be forced into an arranged marriage. But I guess this is just as bad. I can’t be with the one I love, so I don’t know if I will ever be happy again. No one should have to choose between their parents or partner, and I am sorry if you have found yourself in a similar position to me.

Any advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Oh well, tomorrow expect the usual blog. Thanks for taking the time to read this; I know it’s not what most people like to think about. 


1 comment:

  1. Well done - an interesting insight!

    I think a few interviews or comments from your husband or your families could be interesting here!
