Thursday, 10 October 2013

I have no idea how any of us survived it. The hurricane which tore through the walls of our home and tore through our lives, not caring who it affected in any way.
Luckily we’re all okay physically, mentally we’ll never be the same again. We’d seen our house basically be carried away by a giant twisting wind before it threw it back to the ground, only rubble left where our little home once stood.
My biggest question is ‘Where was God through all of this?’ I don’t understand why He just left us to suffer with this horror. He’s meant to be all seeing, so He knew that it happened, but He’s also meant to be all loving and allowing a hurricane to simply whip through an entire country, leaving destruction and heartbreak in its wake, does not seem very ‘loving’ to me.
It has made me begin to question Him. I’ve always been a strong Catholic but now it seems as though God either does not care or does not exist and I’d prefer to believe that He didn’t exist at all than to believe that He exists but is just ‘too busy’ to help His people.
I suppose that there may be a reason that He sent this upon us. Maybe He saw all of the moral evil in this world and decided that enough was enough, that He’d wipe us out and just start afresh like He did with Noah and the ark.
Now, I find myself not believing. It hurts a lot less that way.


1 comment:

  1. A great post! Some interesting points raised... do you think people often relate their experiences to things like Noah? Do you think they may return to their faith at some point?
