One year, one month, and thirteen days later. If you ask me, it was like yesterday. All of the emotions I felt that day and even the days, weeks and months afterwards, were just as bad as the fist time I felt them. Everyday someone dies and a baby are born, however not everyday does heart-breaking natural disasters occur. This earthquake was the only international wreckage that had ever hit so close to home. The sight was psychologically devastating, watching our houses crumble to bits and seeing innocent people trapped in rubble. The stress on everyone is beyond imagination. Literally everyone I spoke with had themselves, or knew someone who had been injured, lost a home, a loved one or a job. You see things in life and some you forget, but some things are imprinted so deep that you can see them as clear as day when you close your eyes. I will always remember how the ground and water just opened and swallowed up cars. Luckily everyone in my family survived, I broke some bones rescuing my mum, dragging her out of the ruins of our home. Our family home and joyful memories were destroyed along with thousands of other peoples lives. I was wondering why is God letting this happen? If God is really omnipotent why didn’t he help us? If God is also omniscient and saw and knew what was going on, why did all those people lose their lives in such a tragic way? Is this a natural disaster or did God make this happen? All these thoughts rapidly rushed through my head. We lost everything in the flood…we had nothing left.
God is the creator of the Earth. As a Roman Catholic I believe that Jesus suffered, and maybe God wanted to make all those people who got injured or lost their lives to have an understanding of suffering and pain is. God spared my life; he gave me the strength to save my mums life. However I still do not understand the real meaning for the horrific devastating earthquake. I pray everyday for the people who tragically lost their lives. I hope got has let them be in eternal paradise.
A great blog post, well done. Do you think prayer will help your character understanding over time? Will it help them to come to terms with this event?