Sunday, 13 October 2013


Its been roughly 9 years on and im still feeling the effects. I remember looking out of my bedroom window and seeing a colossal wave travelling towards the beach at a very fast speed. i remember people running, mums holding their babies frantically trying to drive off in there cars. I remember running to get my mum and dad screaming there's a giant wave coming, to young to even know this giant wave had a name. a tsunami. As we frantically ran out of the house, my mum grasping at my hand as we did, i looked back and all i saw was pain and destruction. The wave was getting close and faster, we tried to run faster but we was no match against nature. Finally, my mum let go of my hand and told me to run as fast as i could and get to the highest point. So i did. I never saw my parents again. Luck was on my side that day.
I remember while running looking back and see a wave swallow my whole city, the people i love with all my hearts, it swallowed families, children, everything. All this time the thought going Through my head was: where is God? why is god letting this happen? My family is religious, we pray every night, go to church every week and god is still letting this happen to us. You could say i got a little angry and that anger spurned my running abit and that's what saved me. But i still ask that question to myself all the time. Where is God? Its shook my faith a little you could you say, but i still believe. Thats what my mum and dad would have wanted me to do. You just have to think bad things happened to everyone and you have to trust that one day when you go to heaven God will answer all of your questions.


1 comment:

  1. A very good post - perhaps check punctuation and grammar when posting online! A very good reflection here. It's interesting that your character has kept his faith and relying on this being part of the mystery. How do you think others would have reacted?
