On the 11th September 2001 I was one of the many people who survived the Twin towers attack. But I was only lucky as I was on the third floor of the building so it was a lot more easy to escape compared to others. But I still wasn't able to breathe as the amount of smoke in the building was toxic. People around me were losing arms and getting fatally injured and paper was flying around everywhere. I was listening to people make phone calls to their loved ones saying goodbye on my fight out of the building, it was horrible. In my head I was praying to God to protect me and keep me alive as I thought I would be one of the people who couldn't make it out of the building.
I was wondering to myself, why would God let this happen to
me? Why did he let me come into work today? Why would he let all the people in
the building have their lives taken? If God’s omnipotent and all powerful why
could he not convince the terrorist bombers to change their mind and respect
other people’s lives? If God is also omniscient and saw and knew what was going
on why was I and about nineteen others the only survivors? If God is all loving
why did he let the other workers in the building lose their lives in such a
tragic way? I was upset because all of my work friends and people I did not know
was not able to make it out alive like I did, and telling their loved ones the
news broke my heart. If God is all loving why did many of their lives get taken
so quickly? This was mostly a moral evil as the terrorist bombers were
responsible for making two planes crash into both of the buildings taking many
lives but why would God let these people do that?
God is the creator and ruler of the Universe, as a Roman
Catholic I agree that Jesus suffered and maybe God wanted us to because we need
to know the understanding of the suffering like he did. God also gave us free
will which means people can choose therefore humans create the evil and
suffering but maybe the terrorists that day thought that bombing the world
trade center was the right thing to do to. They must have liked the thought of
people suffering to show their belief in their own faith and that they would do
anything for their own God. Jesus also argued for change and we can do the
same, the prayer I said in my head that day was the prayer that saved my life.
We don’t know why most people’s lives got taken so quickly that day. God probably
wanted their suffering to end and they would've got the reward of eternal
paradise when they died and if you were on the higher floors, God may have thought
it was better to die quicker than suffer in pain for a longer time; he wanted
them to be at peace.
HL @harl3yl
HL @harl3yl
This is why I still believe in God because even though many other people in the building lost their lives, and he let this happen. The best explanation for it was that God gave us free will, we could avoid the evil and suffering by doing god acts and loving one another and showing God that we don’t deserve to suffer. God also spared my life because in my prayer I was telling him how I wasn't ready to die and he saved me. The terrorists may have been tempted by their own God or the devil to bomb the buildings. For the people that did lose their lives, God put them at peace they got the reward of eternal paradise.
Excellent post! An in-depth account and a really powerful reflection on what it must have been like on 9/11. Your character obviously has a strong faith, how would they have responded to people in the days after questioning their faith? Perhaps their friends or co-workers?