Thursday, 7 November 2013


The day I lost my son, made me question my faith.
I'm sure my faith isn't to blame for my loss but if there is a God and he is omnibenevolent and omniscient, why?
Why would he let such a thing happen?
Was it me? Did I not have enough faith in him? Was it my son?
I still don't know.
But, having my son taken away so suddenly, I'm not sure if it weakened my faith, or made it stronger.
I felt as though I had been betrayed, by my son, and especially by God.
Surely he would be the proud owner of a world without death, and there would be no such thing as hurt, or disbelief. He should let everyone be peaceful and loving, no such evil should exist.
But this is reality, and reality appears to be ugly.
Why should such a disaster be allowed by God to take place? Surely he would shake his head and say no, and stop it all.
My son was innocent. He didn't do anything to deserve this. And to have such a precious thing as life to be taken away from him, at such a young age, in an instant, I think, is wrong.

I'm not so sure what to believe any more.
But if there is a God, I won't lose faith in Him.


1 comment:

  1. A good post - well done! You have focused on the questions which is good. It would be interesting to hear from your character a few months on to see if anything has changed...
